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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

We are happy to answer any questions you may have if you don't find the answer below

What do my fees cover?

* Term fees cover classroom instruction costs.  

* Registration fees cover the cost of your dancers administration fees (enrollment, account management, music licence fee and office administration associated with our classic program).  This is paid once per dance year.  

* Holiday Show Fee:  This is for Term 1 dancers only.  This will cover the venue costs.  $5.00 from each dancer will be donated to the Simcoe Hall Settlement House.

How Do I Register?

Simply head to the REGISTER NOW!  tab at the top of our website.  Once there, select the program you wish to register for.  Our easy system allows for you to register in under 2 minutes.   You will receive a class confirmation within 2 business days.

Need help?  Reach out to us via email at or give us a call (905) 576-4167

Can We Watch Classes?

To encourage independence, every dancer will enter their class independently (unless it is a specific parent and dancer class).  Parents/Caregivers will not be able to watch their dancers class on a weekly basis.  However, there will be lots of communication and opportunities to watch classes or performances.  We do not offer viewing windows or cameras for the safety of our dancers and staff.

Do We Have a Year End Recital?

We offer two end of term shows.  

Term 1 will finish with our free admission Holiday Spectacular.  All proceeds and donations will be delivered to the Simcoe Hall Settlement House.  No costumes are required for this show.  

Term 2 will be completed with our fabulous year end recital at the end of May at the theatre within the Hope Fellowship Church in Courtice.  All students participate in this fabulous celebration with costumes and reserved seating (additional expense)

How Do I Pay?

Once you are registered, you will be set up with an account through our online FRESHBOOKS system.  When you register, you will select your payment method which includes:  Cash, Cheque, Email Money Transfer, or Credit Card.  If you select credit card, your freshbooks account will include the link to make your payment.  

Withdrawal Policy:

If you wish to withdraw from our recreational/classic program, it is required that you email a written request to no less than 30 days prior to the term payment due date.  

If any requests for withdrawal is made after the 30 day period, you will be responsible to pay any invoices received within that time.  There will be NO refunds given for any payments (including costumes), made to your account within that period.

If your class fees have ben paid in full at time of registration and you are requesting a withdrawal from our recreational/classical program, you must notify the office by email at no less than 30 days prior to the next term payment due date in order to receive a refund for the second half of the term. Failing to do so, you agree to forfeit your refund.  

A completion of our withdrawal form, as well as a withdrawal fee of $30 must be returned to the office to finalize your withdrawal process. 

We do understand injuries or illness that could prevent your dancer from returning to their class could occur. Withdrawal due to injury or illness will be assessed on a case by case basis. 

Late Registrations:

Late registrations will be accepted until our cut off dates (Term 1 - October 4, Term 2 - February 1) as long as there is space available in the selected class.  Class fees will not be pro-rated.

For sessional programs:  No refunds will be given, feees will not be pro-rated.

For summer camps/classes:  Please refer to the summer camp/class page.

Additional Costs:

All Programs:  

     *All programs will require specific class attire.  These are to be purchased by you.   


Term 1 will have the following additional cost: 

     *Holiday Show Fee ($25.00/dancer)

Term 2 will have the following additional costs:

     *Recital Tickets

     *Recital costumes

     *Term 2 Pictures (optional)

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Find us

866 Taunton Road West

Unit 2

Oshawa, Ontario, L1L 0P1

(905) 576-4167

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